Protecting Your Identity

The purpose of this project is to learn more about the ways fandoms and fan practices may or may not have changed in recent years. The project seeks public comments and feedback from a wide variety of fans on a variety of websites. During this public commenting stage of the project, public comments and posts related to this project are being collected for research purposes.

Keep in mind that your public comments and the pseudonym you use with them could be used as part of presentation and publications connected to this research. If I do this, it is because I want to give you credit for your contributions and share your comments. However, I also take your privacy very seriously. If you wish to protect your identity or to keep your fan pseudonyms out of any publications/presentations, please consider taking the following steps:

  • Inform Me That You Want to Screen Your Identity: Contact me directly at to request that an alternate identifier be used if any of your comments are quoted. I can also work with you to rephrase any comments you've made to ensure that quotes are not easily traced back to you.
  • Email or Contact Me Privately With Your Comments/Feedback: Emailing me/contacting me privately ensures that your comments are not public. We can then work together to ensure that your identity is screened to your satisfaction.
  • Use an Alternate Pseudonym: Comment or post using an alternate pseudonym that is not connected to the identities you wish to protect. Choose one that you will only use for this project.

Your participation in this project is voluntary. You do not need to comment anywhere you do not want to. You may also decide to withdraw from the Fandom Then/Now project at any time during the data collection period by emailing me directly at

The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Institutional Review Board has reviewed this research study and granted it Exempt Status. The project identification number is IRB#: 14.399. The UWM IRB may be reached by emailing or calling (414) 229-3173 if you have questions or comments about your treatment as a participant.

If you have any questions regarding this study, or would like additional information to assist you in reaching a decision about taking part, please contact me by email at For updates on the project in the coming months you can check the website, follow fandomthennow on Tumblr, on twitter at @fandomthennow or by tracking the "fandomthennow" tag on these social media sites.